Sunday, October 23, 2011

Poppy's Litter 11 weeks

Emmitt and Emma

(she is a 'mackerel' pattern and you will be able to see stripes in her coat, whereas the boys have swirls 'classic' pattern)

(Eli and Eton have a very similar pattern 'classic' as Emmitt, just in their color)

(he has a gorgeous swirl pattern that I will try to capture sometime)

(he looks like he has a stripe pattern, but he is a classic pattern. However, it appears he is going to shade like his dad and as he gets older you won't be able to see a pattern, just black tippings)

My plan for a video post failed. the loading isn't working so I'll keep playing with that. In the meantime, here are pictures taken today of the kittens. They are getting more bold and playing a lot! Emmitt and Emma look so much like their mother, but Emmitt does has more of the "wild" look like his dad. Eli has become one of the most people social and just waits for me to pick him up now. Emma...not so much. lol She's fine being held but her natural instinct is still to run first. Then she purrs when you catch you and pet her. Silly girl. Etton has become the laid back one and purrs like crazy when being pet. Emmitt does too but he and Eli like to be scratched closer to their bums while Emma and Etton like it under their chin.

I made a miscalculation and thought the kittens we coming up on 12 weeks, but they are 11. We will take them in for their spay/neuter when they are 12 weeks instead of this week. So, the boys will be able to go to new homes Nov. 5 or after and Emma Nov. 7 or after. It will depend on her actual spay date. We keep girls a week after because they have a more difficult surgery than the boys.

I'll keep working on the video. Sorry about this! I know it's disappointing. :(

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poppy's Litter Update

Working on video for you guys. :) The little guys are learning so much from Poppy right now. It's time to let them start learning from the other adults. Every morning Poppy meows at me through the glass doors letting me know she's ready for new food! She likes "fresh" food and the sound of it going into her bowl, not the kibble that has been out all night and perfectly fine for anyone else. lol The kittens have no idea why they are meowing too, but they look up at her and all chorus together with only Poppy knowing what's going on. It cracks us up!

They are playing like crazy! Each one is so gorgeous I have no idea how the families are going to choose. Each one has become more and more outgoing. Two escaped the kitten room the other day and I had to run after their waddling bodies. :)

Spay/neutering coming soon and I will be contacting the families when they can take their new kitten home. We are looking at the first week of November if all continues to go well. We will be allocating the kittens this weekend. so look for your emails. :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Poppy's Litter 8 Weeks Old





The kittens are eating solid food quite well. They are very active but also sweethearts. Poppy is at the stage where she is trying to cut the apron strings, but they still love their momma and like to jump on her to try and get her to play. Emma is the worst about that. :) She is a little spitfire. she loves to play and always chasing and jumping on her brothers to play. Eton is the most outgoing boy. He is very curious and the first to come up to me when I'm in the kitten room. Ali and Emmitt are both sweet, but they fall in between outgoing Eton and super playful Emma. :) Eli and Emmitt weren't that happy for the photo shoot though. They look a little sullen, but are gorgeous boys. We will start letting them out into the main living area this next week and start introducing them to the other cats and being learning how to be a good cat.