Monday, September 20, 2010

Escape from the Box

Here are the kittens learning how to climb out of the box for the first time Friday night: Three made it out the first night, and the rest made it out over the weekend. Caster sure was upset he couldn't get out the first night with his siblings! They made it out a little sooner than I expected, but the the box is a bit more shallow than ones I've used in the past. The cord you see if from the heating pad that was kept under the box. Kittens are not able to control their body temperature for awhile, so we kept a heating pad to help momma out. The litter is corn based, since little ones like to try things in their mouth just like babies. They will use the corn based litter for quite some time and then graduate to "big" cat litter. They are all now in the kitten pen while they learn to use the litter and start solid food this week. Enjoy the video!

1 comment:

  1. Who were the ones that made it out? Caster's, then Karina's reaction was pretty cute.
