The kittens are starting to use the litter and eat solid food. Balthazar was the first to use the litter correctly AND to realize that water is for drinking. LOL One of his sisters kept trying to walk through it, and just couldn't understand why it felt so weird. Then she tried to walk off and shake her paw at the same time...without much success. :) The kittens have been exploring the living room area and have decided my rolled up mat for indoor cycling is a great "cave" to nap. Again, Balthazar, being a light coat color, ended up with black mat markings on his head. All I could do was laugh and shake my head.
Everyone is into playing and wrestling! They are fearless. They try to take on our adult male Caesar, their chunky mom, and even our sweet teenager Penny! It is hilarious. Thankfully, the adults are very patient with them. Penny is a mom in training for the fall, and she loves the kittens. She likes to sit in the box too. :) Although, the box is rapidly becoming their biggest escape endeavor. This box is taller than my previous birthing boxes, so it has taken them longer to leave the box after I put them back in for the night. Now, they are getting tall and strong enough to jump, grab hold of the top, and hang out on the ledge. Just a little more muscle power and they will be free agents in the nursery. Really glad they seem to be taking to the litter then. ;)
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