Saturday, March 20, 2010

Penny's CFA Show

This was at the end of the show, the last judging of the day, and her 6th Final.

Penny had her first CFA show as a kitten today. She did really well and was so well behaved. She did get tired by the end of the day, but was still super sweet to the judges and anyone who came by to see her. There were six all breed judges and she made each judge's top ten kittens! Her highest at this show was 4th Best Kitten All Breeds. Way to go Penny! :)


  1. well done to penny great achievement for her first show x

  2. Thank you! We are proud of her. She was so mild mannered the whole the day. I felt so sorry for her by the end of the day because I know she was tired and was just ready to sleep at home. :)
