In the videos below it is bathing and dinner time. You can tell the kittens are starting to be more aware and learn new things. They are learning to groom themselves too, which is just too cute at this age! Right now, Daisy (lightest silver kitten) seems to be the most active. She was the first to walk around in the box and is already aware there is a world outside the box! She tries to stand on her hind legs, but is still too small and doesn't have the muscle strength yet to climb up. It won't be long though I'm sure. :) I'm hoping they will stay my little captives another week or two.
Karina is a wonderful mother and there really isn't much I need to do. We have started holding them every day to get them use to being held and the 'human' smell. Other than walking on wobbly legs, rolling around, learning to play with each other, not much else going on this week. Enjoy the videos!
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