Saturday, September 25, 2010

"C" Litter 5 Weeks Old







The kittens area bit squirmy right now. Today's photo session was...interesting. They are not posing for the shots yet, so fuzzy results has been a thorn in my side. :( Only a couple of the kittens will stop what they are doing to look up at a finger snap or a feather wand, so until then, I just pick and choose between out of focus, semi-focus, and the rare in focus. lol

All the kittens are eating wet kitten food now, and they all go at it with gusto. They are still nursing as well, but I have started the weening process. They have been learning to use the litter this week, and there are some little accidents, but for the most part they are getting it right. They have been in the kitten pen mostly during this time to encourage using the litter. Over the next two weeks they will start having more free access to the kitten room and climbers.

A couple of the kitten's eyes have started to change their color to green, but the others are still blue. All will change to another color, as Traditional Siberians don't have blue eyes. I'm excited to see what they turn to. In the past Karina has had kittens with green, gold, and gold/green.

Here is the link to the latest pics. Not all came out weel, so I did the best with what we had. I didn't think I would be able to take pics tonight, so I fed them their wet food. Ended up being able to do it after all, and well, little Clary left a little on her coat from dinner I noticed while cropping. :)


  1. Gorgeous kittens!! Beautiful photographs! Love the black background.

    Denise x

  2. OH My Goodness they are cute! I love the "in motion" pictures. It yields the most interesting perspectives! Max is as wonderful as ever. I hope these new little guys are as loving.
