The kittens area bit squirmy right now. Today's photo session was...interesting. They are not posing for the shots yet, so fuzzy results has been a thorn in my side. :( Only a couple of the kittens will stop what they are doing to look up at a finger snap or a feather wand, so until then, I just pick and choose between out of focus, semi-focus, and the rare in focus. lol
All the kittens are eating wet kitten food now, and they all go at it with gusto. They are still nursing as well, but I have started the weening process. They have been learning to use the litter this week, and there are some little accidents, but for the most part they are getting it right. They have been in the kitten pen mostly during this time to encourage using the litter. Over the next two weeks they will start having more free access to the kitten room and climbers.
A couple of the kitten's eyes have started to change their color to green, but the others are still blue. All will change to another color, as Traditional Siberians don't have blue eyes. I'm excited to see what they turn to. In the past Karina has had kittens with green, gold, and gold/green.
Here is the link to the latest pics. Not all came out weel, so I did the best with what we had. I didn't think I would be able to take pics tonight, so I fed them their wet food. Ended up being able to do it after all, and well, little Clary left a little on her coat from dinner I noticed while cropping. :)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Escape from the Box
Here are the kittens learning how to climb out of the box for the first time Friday night: Three made it out the first night, and the rest made it out over the weekend. Caster sure was upset he couldn't get out the first night with his siblings! They made it out a little sooner than I expected, but the the box is a bit more shallow than ones I've used in the past. The cord you see if from the heating pad that was kept under the box. Kittens are not able to control their body temperature for awhile, so we kept a heating pad to help momma out. The litter is corn based, since little ones like to try things in their mouth just like babies. They will use the corn based litter for quite some time and then graduate to "big" cat litter. They are all now in the kitten pen while they learn to use the litter and start solid food this week. Enjoy the video!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"C" Litter 4 Wks Old
New pics are up of the kittens: Now that they are mobile, it's hard to get the shots without a blur, but if I liked the pic anyway, I kept it. So, bare with me on a couple of them. :) All is well with Karina and her babies. They are walking around the box now with wobbly legs and becoming very vocal when being picked up and feeling gravity take hold. lol They are getting use to sounds and every time I enter their room, they all look my way and stare up at me with those cute kitten faces. They seem to look at me like I'm an idiot for using baby talk. ;) It's too cute for words.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
"C" kittens have been given their names!
While the kittens are with us, we give them names with the letter of the litter they were born. Our "C" litter is the third litter with Karina, so all names begin with a "C". We have also decided on the theme. This litter is named after characters, aspects, or titles from some of my favorite young adult books. I posted their pictures, names, and who they were named after on my book blog:
Go check them out! :)
BTW: I sent the above link via twitter to the authors who have a kitten named after their books. Each author has commented back how adorable the kittens are and retweeted their kitten! How cool is that?!?! :D
Go check them out! :)
BTW: I sent the above link via twitter to the authors who have a kitten named after their books. Each author has commented back how adorable the kittens are and retweeted their kitten!
New Flickr Pics

I have pictures of the kittens up! I decided to try using flickr again, since there are so many pics to catch up on: Look to the photo sets on the right side to see them grouped by age. All kittens are doing well and growing. They are starting to wobble around on their legs. All eyes are open and hearing just fine. They are getting so big and everyone wants to eat at the same time, that there is not enough room at the table for all. So, there has been more squabbling and pushing each other around trying to get fed first. Karina keeps trilling at them to behave, but there is no stopping a hungry kitten. :) I'll be adding pics to this flickr account as I edit and go. It takes a long time to do this, so keep checking back. Enjoy the pics!
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