They have started trilling, and I'm not sure which are doing it the most. I do know Drago has been trilling for awhile, the others I hear, but can't catch who! Drago has also taken to carrying the toy balls and feathers in his mouth, and walking off with them growling in his throat. It is the cutest things ever and very normal. lol There is always one that stands out from the litter personality wise and it's Drago! That boy has built in confidence and fun to watch. The other kittens take their cues from him too. When he does something, it must be OK to do it and they fall in. lol
In the videos below, you will get to see everyone at some point. They kept jumping around, so it was hard for me to keep track who was who (hard to do with all silvers!) Dimitri is the only one not as active in a couple of videos. He was lounging somewhere. I do have a video of him sitting by Barkley, all the kittens have taking a liking to her as a friend. The video wasn't very interactive, so it's not on here.
I will be taking more video and hopefully actual pictures. We will be in contact soon to allocate the kittens. Good news, Penny had a silver boy yesterday! We had to take her back to the vet for a c-section, but all is fabulous now!! We are quite relieved and very happy to have everyone settled. :)