The kittens have turned 12 weeks and old. Balthazar is such a sweet boy! He is the cuddler of the litter and is just like his papa. He wants to know what is going on, frequently comes to sit and lay down by us on the couch, and always sits at your feet to be picked up. Trix is starting to mature, but is the most independent of the kittens. She loves the baby chicks the most, loves to play and chase the feather wand (she didn't care for it before), and likes to wrestle with the other cats. We are keeping Baby, but I'm still not certain on her name. So, for now, we will continue with Baby. :) She is a cross between Balthazar and Trix. She has the most luxurious coat and muzzle, I really want to see how she fills out in the next few months. She likes the feather wand the most, nothing has changed there. We are working on getting her to be more like Balthazar, we love the overly sweet ones. ;) The kittens are all cuddle bunnies with each other! I added one of the pics of the them taking a nap together on the condo...actually the girls were taking a nap on their brother. lol
We have found a new vet that opened her clinic for felines only several years ago. She use to be a cat breeder herself and we are so excited to find her! We will also now be able to provide all our kittens to be spayed/neutered before they leave us and will be all set for their new families. :) We will be keeping the kittens until they are around 15-16 weeks old.
I have been trying to use natural light for the pics because Trix does not like the big, photo lights. Please forgive me with these silvers, the light can be a bit much for their color and fades them out.