Shiva showing Ali how to use the scratcher. Lots of cardboard debris was harmed in this lesson.

Shiva and Ace

Mom, Dad, and the kids on their first big outing outside their room.

Angelo being silly

Ana on the puppy pads while I'm trying to get new ones.

Handsome Alexi

Ajax running to momma in "the big room."

Ajax growing into a lap cat.

Ajax deciding the feather wand wasn't so bad after all.

Ace and Ali doing what they do best.

Abby and Ajax goofing off.
All the kittens are just little busy beavers. They are growing up so quickly. We have started letting the kittens out into the living room to acclimate to larger spaces, new things, etc. and all had a ball! Well, except for Ace and Abby who decided they were just fine in the kitten room with the doors open. lol They won't be able to fight the temptation to explore for long though. =)
The adult cats have been doing a wonderful job of starting to teach the little ones good cat behavior. Shiva has been playing with them, showing them how to use the cat scratcher, and giving them baths...and eating their food. Caesar has been showing them how to play with cat toys. We introduced a feather wand with a bell this week and the kittens didn't know what to do with it. They looked so curious, but afraid too! Ajax wanted to grab it, but when he got close, he would chicken out and back up. lol Angelo was the first to take hold of the trailing ribbon on the wand and chase it. After the older cats showed them how to bat at it, Ajax felt a bit more at ease and gave it a go.
The kittens are everywhere! They have really good running legs now. It is still the cutest thing ever to see them romping around and chasing each other. Wrestling is still their favorite thing to do!!!
All are eating well and growing. It's good to feel the hefty size when I pick them up.
Here is a breakdown of how each kitten's personality is developing:
Ajax: He is the lover. He runs to me when I come into the room, gets on his hinds legs of the french doors when he wants out and cries to you, and snuggles up and takes naps on my lap while I read. That's the sweet side. He also has a rascal side which means he is always out and about and busy! He also likes to eat. lol
Angelo: He is Ajax's partner in crime. He and Ajax are the first two out when someone comes in and you can usually find Angelo chasing someone and wrestling.
Alexi: He is the more reserved boy, and turning into a real beauty! He will wrestle and play, but he and Abby like to snuggle up or be in the mini condo climbing to the second floor. He is a real looker though!
Ace: This monster is the Sumo wrestler of the group! He is a really big boy. Ace is found either lounging with a "don't bother me, I'm relaxing" look, or going full tilt and chasing and wrestling anyone that is near. He likes to climb the mini condo on the outside to the top. His favorite sparring partner is Ali.
Ali: This little girl looks so angelic, but goodness does she scrap with the boys! She and Ace go at it, with their little tails straight up and backs arched, doing this round and round dance with each other until one strikes. Hilarious! As big as Ace is, Ali gives him a run for his money. She is very curious and is usually not too far behind Ajax when someone goes into the kitten room.
Abby: This girl is the quietest of the girls. She likes to play with the toys more than wrestle, but the others won't let her get away with it and force her to join whether she likes it or not. lol I think this is why she hangs around Alexi the most. He has more down time than the others. Abby is a sweet girl and you just want to cuddle her.
Ana: She is a nice mixture of Ali and Abby. Ana is very curious and likes to be in on the play fights, but she can also relax and just hang out and watch. But, when she decides to play, she's on full steam and wears herself out.